
Photo: Anna Burch

Help Support We’re All Mental

We are in the process of raising money to print the third volume of our magazine and keep them free! That's not all your support will do.  Every dollar donated helps keeps us cover the costs of our website, online meeting account, and the programs we use.

If you are not in a position to donate financially you can still help! Sharing our message and letting your friends know about We’re All Mental means the world to us.

We couldn’t continue without the love from our community and brands that believe in us!

Together we are creating positive change.  We are a community of friends supporting friends.  As a team we are helping decrease the silent stigma around mental health.  It's okay to not be okay and you don't have to struggle alone.  We're All Mental is here for YOU.  We're not a substitute for professional care but we can lighten the load a little.

From us, to you. Thanks