We would be honored if you hosted a Meetup

Read below to find out how to make it happen. <3


If you want to host a Meetup, we want to help you make it happen.

What does it take to run an In person Mental Meetup?

-One human committed to hosting and holding space.  It doesn’t have to be a healthcare professional, this is peer driven support.

-Access to the internet or a print out of the intro and reading.

-Space to hold the meeting.  It could be outside at a public park, a living room, a skatepark…  It doesn’t have to be formal.

-A way to let people know the Meeting exists.  Printed fliers, instagram posts or stories, word of mouth.


  • Set a timer for one hour.  It can be less intimidating when there is a precise end time.

  • Start with intro then move into reading the topic.  You can ask for volunteers to help read.  After the reading is finished the host starts with their thoughts then passes to their left or right in the circle.

  • If someone is speaking for an exceptionally long time try remind them that we want to make sure everyone has time to share and time for discussion.

  • After everyone has an opportunity to speak announce that we’re moving into an open discussion.

  • If there are long silences ask the group or individuals some of the thought/journal topics.  It helps to write these out so everyone can see them.  (cardboard and a big sharpie or a white board)

  • 7 minutes before the hour is up: ask if anyone has anything else they want to share before we wrap up.

  • End with asking a question related to positive growth or the reading topic, answering the question yourself, and then passing clockwise.


What are you proud of yourself for?

What would you like to work on this week?

What are you grateful for?

Read Closing statement

All the info you need to host a Meetup is on our site!

Reach out to us thru email or instagram if you’d like to talk it over! It was terrifying to host the first Meetup ever, which made the reward of actually doing it even sweeter.

Coming into the meetup I was super open minded but also pretty confident that I wasn’t really gonna open up about any personal issues that I had going on especially with a bunch of people I had just met on hill that day, as it's hard for me to talk about my struggles/mental health. The meetup started and almost right away as I heard more people sharing their stories a flip switched and I felt super relaxed around everyone in the room. I got the opportunity to talk about some things that had really been weighing on me for a couple months at that point, and it was just a super safe and open space to talk where you know no one was judging. That one experience pushed me to seek help and comfort from my friends and family. I felt much less alone and realized other people are going through the same things that I am, and that we are all here for each other.
